Weekly Photo Challenge-Comfort


This weeks photo challenge caused me to pause to ponder what my picture of comfort looked like. This seating area is part of a room that I call my sanctuary. The room was created shortly after my husband of six years and I married. At the time we both owned homes. It was most practical for me to sell mine and move into his. I quickly discovered that I needed a place to call my own. At the time this room housed boxes and items awaiting a dump run so I took the time to clean it out. During a trip to a local store for other purposes I discovered the seating, it would be perfect! I brought it home. The room was decorated with the few pieces that I kept from my home and items that I truly loved. I have spent many quiet hours in the space; reading, praying and listening to beautiful music. For me this space is a picture of comfort.

Thanks for an authentic challenge.

14 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge-Comfort

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Comfort | Inside Out Cafe

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Comfort | Inspired Vision

  3. Pingback: Free as one can be: Weekly Photo Challenge (Comfort) « aNTibaKTeRiYeL

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Comfort « Mike Hardisty Photography

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