March Madness



I had a great weekend. My honey arrived home from his week in Guatemala in the wee hours of the night, tired and not feeling completely well, but home. Good to have him home. Saturday had a high potential of being a long day of waiting so I was so happy for the distractions I had lined up.

After a morning that was both productive and reflective I headed out the door to meet my sister for lunch that would be followed by a walk. It was a cloud covered morning but I prayed that the clouds would break so that we could enjoy some sun and warm spring air.

We started at this Thai restaurant. The food was beautifully prepared and served. IMG_0316IMG_0317

As we enjoyed our meals the clouds cleared and the sun came out. We proceeded to our destination down the road a ways called Stony Creek. I asked my sister about the history of the trail but she could not recall any of the facts she had been told.


The water level was very low at this time of day and made for some interesting pictures.


Dave was sitting on a bench on the marsh. He is an obvious birder and filled us in on the migratory birding patterns for this area. The Osprey nest awaits the return of the birds which according to Dave will be this week sometime.


The day was quite warm and perfect for enjoying the shore. I snapped a few more pics before we moved on for the day. That is for the next post.


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